35mm Rangefinder or Viewfinder Camera
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5 Products Found
Zeiss Ikon
Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta with Tessar 105mm F3.8 Lens
This Zeiss Ikon Super Ikonta with Tessar 105mm F3.8 Lens has been tested and the lens is clean, the aperture and shutter are both good. The rangefinder does not appear...
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Super Synchro-Compur
This Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Super Synchro-Compur 35mm film camera has been tested and is in excellent working condition, and shows normal signs of wear. It comes with the original leather...
Zeiss Ikon Contessmat 35mm Rangefinder Camera with a 45mm F/2.8 Lens for Parts.
This Zeiss Ikon Contessmat 35mm Rangefinder Camera is being sold for Parts! Cosmetically, it shows little signs of use. The Shutter hangs at 1/30th but the Meter is active. WE...
Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Super B 35mm SLR Camera
This is a Zeiss Ikon Contaflex Super B 35mm SLR Camera. This camera is in great cosmetic condition and shows small signs of use. Meter has not been tested because we...
Zeiss Ikon Contessa Folding Camera - SELLING FOR PARTS
This is a Zeiss Ikon Contessa Folding Camera. This Camera is being sold for PARTS. The shutter is not releasing correctly and the light meter does not work. This Camera...