Rollei 6008AF with a Schneider AF Xenotar 80mm f2.8. HFT-Waist Level Finder and a Rollei Magazin 6000
Rollei 6008AF with a Schneider AF Xenotar 80mm f2.8. HFT lens in excellent condition. Camera has been tested with several AF Schneider lenses and it focuses and fires beautifully. All controls...
NB : C'est une condition de vente, que le client sera responsable du paiement de toutes les taxes, droits et frais d'importation pour les commandes expédiées à l'international.
Rollei 6008AF with a Schneider AF Xenotar 80mm f2.8. HFT lens in excellent condition. Camera has been tested with several AF Schneider lenses and it focuses and fires beautifully. All controls work and the camera is clean cosmetically.
The Schneider lens is free of scratches, fungus, haze, or separation. Manual focus is smooth. The film back looks like it was never used.
Includes the waist level finder, a clean focusing screen, 2 NiMH batteries, the manual and a new charger.
We will also include a lithium ion converted battery pack and charger but we have not been able to get much life out of it. You may want to re-cell it so we will throw it in.
This camera is beautiful.
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